Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Recording 2

Long time, no say..

I mentioned before that I was going to create new sounds for the recording and that I planned to use the ENGL amp in my Axe Fx II straight into the computer. I actually abandoned the ENGL simulation in favor for the Diezel Herbert simulation. It liked it much better because of it's slightly fuzzy sound. I remembered tying out a Diezel at Thomann when I was there trying out stacks and even then I liked the Diezel better then the ENGL. Unfortunately the Diezel was way out of my budget so I bought the ENGL Powerball instead. That was not a bad choice, I really liked the ENGL and it served me well until I decided to save my back and swith to the Axe Fx II.

I also tried the Metallica Mesa Boogie Mk II+ simulation that I saw a review of on Youtube. It sounded really good on Youtube but I could not get it to work for me. The Diezel did a much better job. But I eventually ended up with a Mesa simulation for second guitar after all. It worked good together with the Diezel.

As I have realized a crucial part of a simulation is the cab simulation and I tried a lot of cabs in the Cab Pack 19. Fortunately the pack had a really good structure so it was really quite easy to narrow down the cabs that were of interest. I ended up with 20 or so cabs that sounded like I wanted it, but they sounded so close that I could not decide on one of them. So the recording engineer helped me to select one and he also tweaked the sound of it so that it sounded much better.

The recording is still in progress. For the heavy distorted rhythm parts I am recording three tracks. One with the Diezel panned to one side, one with the Mesa panned to the other side and another with the Diezel panned to center. On the panned tracks I am playing almost the same thing but the center track I am complementing the other tracks. I used the 7-string a lot on the center track. The result so far sounds massive and heavy :-D

I have recorded other guitar tracks as well like totally clean, soft crunch, harder crunch and a couple of phaser versions of them. I'll skip the details about them and head for my pillow instead.

Rock on!

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